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Päeva pilt
Mein Schiff 4 of TUI Cruises in Rostock Port. The launch was ten years ago today, on October 10, 2014.
Päeva heli või video
Animation of the anatomy and physiology of the human brain showing the cerebral hemispheres, brainstem and cerebellum, surrounded by arteries, venous sinuses and small blood vessels. In a later stage of the animation, synapses and the work of neurons are presented. In the final stages the immune cell, serotonin and histamine are presented. Today is World Mental Health Day.
Tee pilte ja laadi need üles, et osaleda meie igakuistel temaatilistel üleskutsetel. Leia innustust ja proovi uusi teemasid! Uuri lähemalt üleskutsete kohta! Esile tõstetud
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