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Asbestos Exposure and Mesothelioma in New Hampshire

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If you live in the state of New Hampshire and have worked there for significant amount of time, there is a chance that you were exposed to asbestos in the workplace. Prolonged exposure to asbestos can lead to serious health problems including mesothelioma, asbestos-related lung cancer and other non-malignant lung impairments. To assist people who live in New Hampshire, we have provided statistics about asbestos and mesothelioma. 

01. Statistics

Asbestos and Mesothelioma Statistics in New Hampshire

  • From 1999-2015, 235 New Hampshire residents died from mesothelioma
  • New Hampshire does have a higher-than-average mesothelioma death rate of about 11 people per million each year (Source: CDC)
  • Hillsborough and Rockingham counties suffered the most losses to asbestos-related diseases, including mesothelioma, between 1999 and 2013 (Source: CDC)
  • There are no known natural deposits of asbestos or any former mines in the state (Source: USGS)
02. Asbestos in Workplaces

Asbestos Exposure in New Hampshire Workplaces

Even with the lack of natural asbestos, residents are at risk of exposure because of the mineral’s heavy use in over 50 job sites within the state.


Shipyard workers are considered among the most at risk for asbestos exposure because of the extent of the mineral’s use in shipbuilding. Ships of every variety likely contained asbestos in almost every part, from gaskets and insulation to the boiler room and living areas. Being in such close quarters with poor ventilation meant any damaged asbestos or repairs that required disturbing asbestos-containing products would likely result in more concentrated asbestos fibers in the air. Portsmouth Naval Shipyard exposed thousands of workers and veterans to asbestos throughout its long history.


Asbestos is still a problem in many schools throughout the nation, putting teachers, support staff and students in danger of exposure. While schools are required to have asbestos management plans in place to help eliminate such risks, there is always the chance that asbestos-containing materials could become unknowingly disturbed. St. Mary’s College in Greenfield, St. Paul’s School in Concord, and Plainfield Grammar School are just a few schools known to still contain asbestos.

Power Plants:

Power plant equipment, like boilers and turbines, had been largely built with asbestos products in an effort to reduce the risk of fire or an explosion until the 1980s. Their structures also needed to be fire resistant in an attempt to protect both workers and the plant, so asbestos could be found widely throughout the facilities as well. Power plant workers face a high risk of exposure at plants like the Seabrook Nuclear Power Station.


Industrial Pipe and Equipment Corporation in Nashua and Syntextils, Inc. in Manchester are a few manufacturers known to use asbestos materials in their facilities. Because the mineral was inexpensive and used in so many construction materials, many businesses across the country still have asbestos materials in their structures today. Some manufacturers also relied on asbestos materials for their equipment because of its heat resistance and durability.

03. Shipyard Sites

Asbestos Shipyards in New Hampshire

New Hampshire is home to one shipyard that has operated for centuries, and more recently was added to the Environmental Protection Agency’s Superfund list because of various environmental hazards, including asbestos.

Portsmouth Naval Shipyard

The Portsmouth Naval Shipyard is located on the southern boundary of Maine, really close to the city of Portsmouth in New Hampshire. It has been an important operation since way back in colonial times. The shipyard proved its worth throughout the many wars the nation faced, reaching its peak number of employees during World War I when workers began specializing in submarine work. After these contracts began to diminish, the shipyard shifted its attention to submarine repairs instead of building new ones. Though the employee based slowly diminished with less work, thousands of shipyard workers were exposed to asbestos. The shipyard was added to the Superfund List in 1994 after the EPA realized the extensive contamination of the Piscataqua River from various hazardous wastes like asbestos. Cleaning efforts and monitoring remain in place today.

04. Exposure in Cities

New Hampshire Cities with Asbestos Problems

Asbestos exposure on the job is known to have occurred in the following New Hampshire cities. Prolonged asbestos exposure can cause the terminal cancer mesothelioma as well as other asbestos-related diseases. Click on any city below to view a complete list of commercial, military and residential job sites where asbestos exposure occurred in that city.

05. Other Work Sites

 Asbestos at Other New Hampshire Job Sites

Asbestos exposure is also a problem if you look beyond the major cities and towns in New Hampshire. Select a town to see the list of its job sites where asbestos exposure occurred. Asbestos exposure at any one of the work sites revealed could put a worker at risk to develop mesothelioma cancer.

New Hampshire Directory of Asbestos Work Sites

Select a city to see a list of work sites where asbestos exposure occurred.

, New Hampshire Jobsites Where Asbestos Exposure Occurred

  • ABCO Welding & Industrial Supplies
  • Agricultural Chemical Solutions, Inc.
  • American Hoechst Corporation
  • American Locomotive Company
  • American Woolen Company, Inc.
  • Anhauser Busch Brewery
  • Anheuser Busch, Inc.
  • Ashuelot Paper Company, Inc.
  • Atlantic Corporation
  • Bargers Sulphite Fibre Company
  • Berlin Mills – Cascade Plant
  • Berlin Mills – Riverside Plant
  • Berlin Paper Mill
  • Boston Air Route Traffic Control Center
  • Boston and Maine Railroad
  • Bow Power Plant
  • Brezner Canning Corp.
  • Brown & Horsch
  • Brown Paper Company
  • Brown Paper Company – Burgess Mill
  • Brown Paper Company – Cascade Mill
  • Budweiser Brewery
  • Bureau of Supplies and Accounts
  • Byrne & West
  • Claremont Paper Company
  • Claremont Paper Mill
  • Compax, Inc.
  • Concord Electric Company
  • Concord Land and Water Power Company
  • Concord Power Plant
  • Concord State Hospital Concord
  • Crocked Mt. Rehabilitation Center
  • Davidson Rubber Company
  • Davis Boxboard Div
  • Davis Paper Company
  • Dover Gas and Elect Company
  • Dover Gas Plant
  • Dover High School
  • Dover Housing
  • Eastern Oil and Rendering Company
  • Elliot Hospital
  • Exeter Gas Plant
  • Farmer’s & Mechanic’s Bank
  • Farmington Waste Water Plant
  • Federal Building
  • Foster Grant Company
  • Francis P. Connor and Son, Inc.
  • Glen Mill
  • Grace Church
  • Granite State Insulation Company
  • Grenier Air Force Base
  • Hamilton Smith
  • Hampshire Chemical Corporation
  • Harcros Chemical Inc.
  • Hillsboro Court House
  • Hitchiner Manufacturing Co.
  • Hoague Sprague Corp
  • Hooksett
  • Insuline Corp of America
  • International Paper Company
  • International Shoe Company
  • Irvin State Gas and El Company
  • James River Pulp & Paper Company
  • Joy Manufacturing
  • Kellys Falls Steam Plant
  • Littleton Hydro-Electric Dam Project
  • Manchester Knitted Fashions
  • Manchester Traction Light and Power Company
  • Merrimack
  • Merrimack Station Powerhouse
  • N. H. Mcelevain Company
  • Nashua Corporation
  • Nashua Corporation
  • Nashua Foundation Medical Partners, Inc.
  • Nashua Housing Authority
  • Nashua Light, Heat and Power Company
  • Nashua Manufacturing Company
  • Nashua Memorial Hospital
  • Nashua Municipal Airport
  • Nashua Savings Bank
  • National Gypsum Company
  • New England Power Company
  • New England Telephone and Telegraph Company
  • New England Wood Preserving Co.
  • New Hampshire Gas & Electric Company
  • Newington Mall
  • Newington Power Plant
  • Northeast Constructors
  • Pacific Mills
  • Pease Air Force Base
  • Pease Air National Guard Base
  • Peterborough Hospital
  • Phillips Exeter Academy
  • Phillips Manufacturing Company
  • Plainfield Grammar School
  • Portsmouth Federal Building
  • Portsmouth High School
  • Portsmouth Naval Shipyard
  • Portsmouth Post Office
  • Portsmouth Regional Hospital
  • Portsmouth Telephone Exchange
  • Public Service Company of New Hampshire
  • Public Service Company of New Hampshire
  • Public Service Company of New Hampshire
  • Public Service Company of New Hampshire
  • Pulp and Paper America
  • Regional Center
  • Riverside Rest Home
  • Rochester High School
  • Rochester Shoe Tree Company
  • Rockingham County Light and Power Company
  • Ryan Estate
  • Sanders Associates
  • Schiller Generation Station
  • Schiller Station Powerhouse
  • Seabrook Nuclear Power Station
  • Sheraton Tara Hotel
  • Sherbourn School
  • Simplex Wire & Cable
  • St. Anslem’s College
  • St. George Greek Orthodox Church
  • St. Mary’s College
  • St.Paul’s School
  • Standard Plumbing & Heating Supply, Inc.
  • Syntextils, Inc.
  • Telephone Building, Elm St.
  • Textron, Inc.
  • United Gas and Electric Company
  • University Of New Hampshire
  • University of New Hamsphire
  • USS Abraham Lincoln (ship)
  • USS John Adams (ship)
  • USS Sand Lance (ship)
  • USS Sea Dragon (ship)
  • USS Tinosa (ship)
  • Warren Manufacturing Co.
  • Wentworth by the Sea
  • West Hopkinton Plant
  • White Mountain Paper Company
  • Wm H Mc Elwain Company

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Sources [+]
  • 1

    Cabrera-Santiago, Manuel et al. “Prevalence of Asbestos-Related Disease Among Electrical Power Generation Workers in Puerto Rico.” Presentation at American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, 2007.

  • 2

    Evans, David and Greg Johnstone. “Asbestos Use Companies and Locations in New Hampshire.” All About Malignant Mesothelioma (September 2005.)

  • 3

    Geological Research, Analyses and Services Programs. Naturally Occurring Asbestos Locations in the Contiguous U.S. and Alaska. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. May 2007.