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01. Doctor Overview

Doctor Overview

Dr. Richard L. Kradin built an extensive career with knowledge and training in pulmonary medicine, anatomic pathology, basic immunology and psychiatry. Dr. Kradin retired from his position at Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center.

One of his main areas of focus was the immunopathology of lung disease. Through his research, he made significant contributions to the study of antigen processing by dendritic cells. His research also focused on the immunopathogenesis of acute interstitial lung injury and chronic interstitial lung injury.

Dr. Kradin contributed to a variety of articles and texts, covering various topics. His work surrounding medicine and pathology allowed him to develop a clinical trial funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). This trial used the adoptive transfer of autologous tumor-specific activated lymphocytes and interleukin-2 for the treatment of advanced cancers. Dr. Kradin pioneered this study to personalize cancer treatment. This approach can treat cancers including advanced malignant melanoma and renal cell carcinoma.

02. Fast Facts

Doctor Fast Facts

Former Specialty: Pathology

Other Interests & Specialties: Pulmonology, thoracic cancers, unexplained dyspnea, asbestosis, pulmonary pathophysiology, general internal medicine, anatomic pathology, basic immunology, psychiatry, chronic fatigue syndrome, interstitial lung disease, multiple chemical sensitivity and pulmonary immunology.

Certifications, Awards & Accolades: American Board of Internal Medicine Certification in Pulmonary Disease, American Board of Internal Medicine Certification in Internal Medicine, American Board of Pathology Certification in Anatomic Pathology, American Board of Pathology Certification in Pathology, Gravida Award

Education & Experience:

  • Medical Degree from Jefferson Medical College
  • Residency in Anatomic and Clinical Pathology at Massachusetts General Hospital
  • Residency in Internal Medicine at Pennsylvania Hospital
  • Fellowship in Pulmonary Disease at Massachusetts General Hospital
03. Publications


Diffuse peritoneal mesothelioma: A case series of 62 patients including paraoccupational exposures to chrysotile asbestosAmerican Journal of Industrial Medicine. November 2017;60(11):963-967. doi: 10.1002/ajim.22768

Pathological recognition of diffuse malignant mesothelioma of the pleura: the significance of the historical perspective as regards this signal tumorSeminars in Diagnostic Pathology. February 2006;23(1):25-34. doi: 10.1053/j.semdp.2006.06.004

Distinguishing benign mesothelial hyperplasia from neoplasia: a practical approachSeminars in Diagnostic Pathology. February 2006;23(1):4-14. doi: 10.1053/j.semdp.2006.06.005